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Home  > Wing Inflatables - Wing P Series Boats
Wing Inflatables - Wing P Series Boats
Wing Inflatables - Wing P Series Boats

Wing Inflatables - Wing P Series Boats

Made of Cooley Coolthane® polyurethane fabric, the P Series is stronger and enjoys two to three times the puncture resistance of Hypalon and PVC products. Tubeseams are heat welded into a single fabric—not glued—forming a joint even stronger than the material itself. In speed tests with medium loads, each of the P Series boats without speed tubes achieved the same top-end speed as a competitive model with speed tubes. Additionally, each of the P Series throw a smaller wake profile, so clandestine operations stay that way.

  • Wing hull design creates hydrodynamic lift andcompartmentalizes running surface to reducevacuum, quicker to plane and greater speeds withheavier loads
  • Large interior space
  • Polyurethane fabric used for longer life and twoto three times the puncture resistance of Hypalonor PVC
  • Thermo welded seams for a joint as strong ascontinuous material
  • Composite transom; lighter weight and strongerthan aluminum, will not decay like wood
  • California made with U.S. materials and BerryAmendment compliant