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Home  > WM Industries - MF5 Metal Detector
WM Industries - MF5 Metal Detector
WM Industries - MF5 Metal Detector

WM Industries - MF5 Metal Detector

The metal detection technology of tomorrow is available today. The MF5's simultaneous multi-frequency digital metal detection technology enables operators to detect the most challenging metal and poorly conductive IED targets. The MF5 is the ideal detector for military personnel tasked with finding the most difficult IED components in challenging soil conditions. The MF5's ground balance feature and coil design provide unrivaled performance in all soil conditions – regardless of mineralization, vegetation, and moisture content.

The MF5's performance, features, and functionality greatly enhance an operator's detection capability.

  • Superior Metal & Poorly Conductive IED Component Detection
  • Excellent Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Detection
  • World-Class Target Discrimination
  • Rapid Startup and Deployment
  • Simple, Intuitive User Interface
  • Night-Vision Goggle Compatible