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Home  > Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech
Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech

Zero Point Incorporated - Electric Breech

The Zero Point Electric Breech can be used to fire the TiTAN either on remotely operated vehicles or as a standalone. The rugged design of the breech has been field-tested by veteran EOD techs for reliability in all conditions on land or in water.
Rated to a depth of 60 feet saltwater. This capability allows the TiTAN to be utilized in a maritime environment for unforeseen threats.

The electric breech is designed with a mechanical safety on the back that is 100% effective in mechanically blocking the firing pin from moving. This ensures the safety of operators during the handling of loaded TiTANs.