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Home  > Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN
Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN
Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN
Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN
Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN
Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN

Zero Point Incorporated - TiTAN

The ZERO POINT TiTAN 12 gauge disruptor meets the demands of both general and precision Improvised Explosive Device Disruption (IEDD). Its many configurations allow the operator to switch effortlessly between the precision aim to general disruption.
Serving both dismounted and conventional bomb squads, the TiTAN is a full spectrum disruption system incorporating a family of auxiliary equipment to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

Our proprietary TiTAN laser aiming system is water-resistant, easy twist on/off and specially fitted for all TiTAN configurations making the ZPL-EOD the most accurate, dependable and operator-friendly disruptor laser available.
Our standard TiTAN System has all the components required for a full 12 gauge disruption both on land and in water. Additional accessories are available to allow for operation within any environment without fear of damaging the disruptor's breech and keeping the TiTAN secured to any hardpoint during operations.