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Home  > ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)
ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)

ZF Technical - Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS)

The Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS) is an application controlled, battery powered, state-of-the-art target system designed for mobile training and dynamic live-fire shooting.

The MITS is versatile and deployable. Its mobility allows you to take it anywhere you go and be able to set up limitless configurations on your range. The MITS paired with the ZFT Rangemaster app is a powerful tool in advancing your shooting skills.

The Mobile Interactive Target System (MITS) is an application controlled, battery powered, state-of-the-art target system designed for mobile/deployable training and dynamic live-fire shooting.

The MITS is versatile and deployable. Its mobility allows you to take it anywhere you go around the world and be able to set up limitless configurations on your range. The MITS paired with the ZFT Rangemaster app is a powerful tool in advancing your shooting skills.

  • Mobile
    • each targets system is self-contained in a customized pelican 1730 case
    • battery operated = no hardwires or air system for functionality, maximizing configurability
    • deployment ready – easily loaded out by 1 individual
    • wireless Bluetooth mesh network
  • Interactive
    • Pre-programmed drills to allow unlimited training scenarios
    • Programable – develop and adjust unique training drills that match your objectives and environment
    • Metrics collection – evaluate multiple data points for each shooter allowing for 'evaluation over time' to address
    • deficiencies and measure progress
    • Competition – compete against yourself for new records or compete against your collogues for bragging rights
  • Target
    • AR500 steel plates and shields for long term durability
    • Unique presentation allows shooters to engage at any time during the target presentation without damage to the system
    • Bluetooth mesh network drives the targets allowing drills utilizing 1-15 targets spread across the range up to 75 yds apart
    • High efficiency motors allow for thousands of cycles on 1 charge delivering maximum training time
  • System
    • MITS are driven by the Rangemaster Application run off a tablet or phone
    • Rangemaster App will store all data metrics from the training session to download and catalog for each shooter at the end of the day
    • The scramble function allows each shooter to experience the drill timing and targets but in a slightly different order defeating the 'gaming'